Maksim Samorukov ru

web developer

resume in pdf format (english)

resume in pdf format (russian)

Work experience and Education:


Github Hexlet codewars LinkedIn Resume

Working stack, keywords:

Foreign language:

Code examples:

Name Description Link
Resume This resume. Written in React with some elements from antd library, deployed to Vercel. Github repository
Todo app with extended functionality Stack: React, Redux Toolkit, SCSS, Material UI, lodash, validatorjs. Deployed to Vercel. Github repository


Name Technologies, Frontend web developer - Arrays - Objects - Functions - Trees - OOP - Frontend architecture of web applications - HTTP Protocol - Asynchronous operations - DOM Api - React, Redux - HTTP Server - Express.js - Database basics - Git
Hexlet, Node.js developer
HTML Academy - HTML - CSS
RS School JS Frontend 2020 - adaptive web applications; - SPA;
RS School NodeJS 2020 - encryption / decryption cli application; - Express.js and MongoDB base application with logging, error handling and authorization functions;